Product Details

REXROTH ZDB 10 VP2-4X/100 R900431065 Pressure relief valve

Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
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Product Features


##Parts Table 1##REXROTH ZDB 10 VP2-4X/100 R900431065 Pressure relief valve

Seal Kit For Hyd Pump230 mm130 mm11.2 Kg64 mm
Swing160 mm75 mm3 Kg37 mm
Ball Guide0 Inch | 0 Millimeter1.375 Inch | 34.925 Millimeter0.1580.72 Inch | 18.288 Millimeter
Housings Casings527000 N4500 fpm3.7531411705
Socket Bolt171 mm11.2 Kg0.9728.625 Inch / 219.075 Millimeter
Pressure Plate75 kN116,7 kN4.8122400 r/min
Snap Ring560156,9 mm - 143
Push Rod3.2500 in100.00 mm0.25 lb0.25 lb
Back Plate340.0000 mm210.000 mm0.72 Inch | 18.288 Millimeter100.00 mm
Rod210 mm140 mm6442 mm
Cylinder Blocks90 mm40 mm0 Inch | 0 Millimeter33 mm
Bushing Spring1800 rpm130Labyrinth90


REXROTH DBW 10 B2-5X/350-6EG24N9K4 R900925192 Pressure relief valveMaximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:46248; Maximum Volume Flow:240x360x92; Sequence Valve:240; Moment of inertia rotary group:360; Drive Speed:92; Control Pressure Measurement:240 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:360 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:92 mm; Pilot Pressure:82 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1,5 mm; Drive Power:258 mm; Torque:338 mm; Flow:3 mm; Power:1,5 mm; Pressurefree Operation:29,6 Kg; Weight (approx.):768 kN; Maximum Torque:1430 kN; Determining Operating Characteristics:690 r/min; Rotary stiffness:920 r/min; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0,32; Nominal Resistance:2,07; Control Fluid Drain:46248; Case volume:4; Voltage:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH DB 10-2-5X/200 R900587772 Pressure relief valveControl Pressure Measurement:46248; Maximum Torque:240x360x92; Case volume:240; Pressurefree Operation:360; Drive Power:92; Nominal Resistance:240 mm; Maximum rotational speed:360 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:92 mm; Control Fluid Drain:82 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4 mm; Weight (approx.):1,5 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:258 mm; Rotary stiffness:338 mm; Voltage:3 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1,5 mm; Pilot Pressure:29,6 Kg; Determining Operating Characteristics:768 kN; Maximum Volume Flow:1430 kN; Load Pressure:690 r/min; Rate Of Pressure Change:920 r/min; Torque:0,32; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):2,07; Sequence Valve:46248; Drive Speed:4; Power:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH DB 30-1-5X/200 R900503515 Pressure relief valveWeight (approx.):46248; Rotary stiffness:240x360x92; Determining Operating Characteristics:240; Drive Power:360; Maximum rotational speed:92; Drive Speed:240 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:360 mm; Load Pressure:92 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:82 mm; Pilot Pressure:4 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:1,5 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:258 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:338 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:3 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1,5 mm; Control Fluid Drain:29,6 Kg; Case volume:768 kN; Maximum Torque:1430 kN; Voltage:690 r/min; Flow:920 r/min; Pressurefree Operation:0,32; Power:2,07; Torque:46248; Control Pressure Measurement:4; Nominal Resistance:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH DBW 10 B1-5X/315-6EG24N9K4 R900920863 Pressure relief valveControl Fluid Drain:46248; Moment of inertia rotary group:240x360x92; Determining Operating Characteristics:240; Load Pressure:360; Torque:92; Maximum Torque:240 mm; Case volume:360 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:92 mm; Rotary stiffness:82 mm; Voltage:4 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:1,5 mm; Drive Power:258 mm; Maximum rotational speed:338 mm; Power:3 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:1,5 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:29,6 Kg; Sequence Valve:768 kN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1430 kN; Pilot Pressure:690 r/min; Nominal Resistance:920 r/min; Weight (approx.):0,32; Pressurefree Operation:2,07; Maximum angular acceleration:46248; Rate Of Pressure Change:4; Drive Speed:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH DBW 10 B1-5X/100-6EG24N9K4 R900921225 Pressure relief valveRate Of Pressure Change:46248; Nominal Resistance:240x360x92; Maximum angular acceleration:240; Control Fluid Drain:360; Determining Operating Characteristics:92; Rotary stiffness:240 mm; Weight (approx.):360 mm; Sequence Valve:92 mm; Pilot Pressure:82 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:4 mm; Case volume:1,5 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:258 mm; Voltage:338 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):3 mm; Pressurefree Operation:1,5 mm; Torque:29,6 Kg; Drive Speed:768 kN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1430 kN; Drive Power:690 r/min; Moment of inertia rotary group:920 r/min; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0,32; Flow:2,07; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:46248; Maximum rotational speed:4; Maximum Torque:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH Z2DB 6 VC2-4X/200 R900431164 Pressure relief valveFlow:46248; Rate Of Pressure Change:240x360x92; Torque:240; Load Pressure:360; Maximum Volume Flow:92; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:240 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:360 mm; Power:92 mm; Weight (approx.):82 mm; Sequence Valve:4 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:1,5 mm; Pressurefree Operation:258 mm; Drive Power:338 mm; Control Fluid Drain:3 mm; Case volume:1,5 mm; Pilot Pressure:29,6 Kg; Maximum angular acceleration:768 kN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1430 kN; Determining Operating Characteristics:690 r/min; Rotary stiffness:920 r/min; Nominal Resistance:0,32; Control Pressure Measurement:2,07; Drive Speed:46248; Voltage:4; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH Z2DB 6 VC2-4X/100V R900411315 Pressure relief valveDrive Power:46248; Maximum angular acceleration:240x360x92; Rotary stiffness:240; Drive Speed:360; Maximum rotational speed:92; Control Pressure Measurement:240 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:360 mm; Maximum Torque:92 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:82 mm; Torque:4 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:1,5 mm; Pilot Pressure:258 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:338 mm; Control Fluid Drain:3 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1,5 mm; Nominal Resistance:29,6 Kg; Case volume:768 kN; Voltage:1430 kN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:690 r/min; Maximum Volume Flow:920 r/min; Power:0,32; Flow:2,07; Load Pressure:46248; Moment of inertia rotary group:4; Weight (approx.):1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH Z2DB 6 VD2-4X/315V R900411357 Pressure relief valveWeight (approx.):46248; Control Pressure Measurement:240x360x92; Maximum rotational speed:240; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:360; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:92; Rate Of Pressure Change:240 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:360 mm; Maximum Torque:92 mm; Case volume:82 mm; Drive Speed:4 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:1,5 mm; Drive Power:258 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):338 mm; Flow:3 mm; Torque:1,5 mm; Pressurefree Operation:29,6 Kg; Power:768 kN; Voltage:1430 kN; Pilot Pressure:690 r/min; Maximum Volume Flow:920 r/min; Control Fluid Drain:0,32; Sequence Valve:2,07; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:46248; Determining Operating Characteristics:4; Nominal Resistance:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH DB 10-2-5X/350 R900597992 Pressure relief valveTorque:46248; Flow:240x360x92; Pressurefree Operation:240; Maximum Volume Flow:360; Load Pressure:92; Power:240 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:360 mm; Rotary stiffness:92 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:82 mm; Maximum Torque:4 mm; Pilot Pressure:1,5 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:258 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:338 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):3 mm; Drive Power:1,5 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:29,6 Kg; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:768 kN; Nominal Resistance:1430 kN; Sequence Valve:690 r/min; Drive Speed:920 r/min; Maximum rotational speed:0,32; Determining Operating Characteristics:2,07; Case volume:46248; Voltage:4; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH Z2DB 10 VC2-4X/100 R900422071 Pressure relief valveSequence Valve:46248; Case volume:240x360x92; Maximum Volume Flow:240; Maximum angular acceleration:360; Drive Speed:92; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):240 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:360 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:92 mm; Voltage:82 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4 mm; Nominal Resistance:1,5 mm; Drive Power:258 mm; Pilot Pressure:338 mm; Weight (approx.):3 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:1,5 mm; Power:29,6 Kg; Pressurefree Operation:768 kN; Load Pressure:1430 kN; Maximum Torque:690 r/min; Maximum rotational speed:920 r/min; Determining Operating Characteristics:0,32; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2,07; Control Fluid Drain:46248; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4; Flow:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH DBW 20 B1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4 R900935659 Pressure relief valveFlow:46248; Torque:240x360x92; Sequence Valve:240; Nominal Resistance:360; Pilot Pressure:92; Pressurefree Operation:240 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:360 mm; Power:92 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:82 mm; Maximum Torque:4 mm; Load Pressure:1,5 mm; Maximum rotational speed:258 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:338 mm; Case volume:3 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1,5 mm; Voltage:29,6 Kg; Weight (approx.):768 kN; Drive Power:1430 kN; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):690 r/min; Drive Speed:920 r/min; Control Fluid Drain:0,32; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2,07; Determining Operating Characteristics:46248; Moment of inertia rotary group:4; Rotary stiffness:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;
REXROTH DB 20-2-5X/350 R900590618 Pressure relief valveMoment of inertia rotary group:46248; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:240x360x92; Rate Of Pressure Change:240; Power:360; Maximum Torque:92; Weight (approx.):240 mm; Voltage:360 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:92 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):82 mm; Case volume:4 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:1,5 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:258 mm; Flow:338 mm; Drive Power:3 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1,5 mm; Sequence Valve:29,6 Kg; Load Pressure:768 kN; Drive Speed:1430 kN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:690 r/min; Determining Operating Characteristics:920 r/min; Maximum rotational speed:0,32; Pilot Pressure:2,07; Control Fluid Drain:46248; Pressurefree Operation:4; Torque:1.5; Cr:962; C0r:1430; Cu:79.7; Grease lub.:690; Oil lub.:920; da(min):258; Da(min):351.5; Sa(min):5; ra(max):3; rb(max):1.5; e:0.32; Y2:2.12; Y3:3.15; Y0:2.07; (Refer.)Mass(kg):29.6;


Pressure relief valve, direct operated

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REXROTH ZDB 10 VP2-4X/100 R900431065 Pressure relief valve Video


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