Product Details

AMI UEHPL207CB Hanger Unit Bearings

Brand Name AMI
Model Number UEHPL207CB
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


##Parts Table 1##AMI UEHPL207CB Hanger Unit Bearings

Push Rod62 mm35 mm0.220 Kg6 Bolt Round Flange Cartridge
Bushing Spring50,292 mm25,4 mm1.575 Inch / 40 Millimeter1 mm
Ball Guide28 mm15 mm0,015 Kg7 mm
Cylinder Blocks55 mm30 mm0,022 Kg13 mm
Shafts5.82 Inch | 147.828 Millimeter4.438 Inch | 112.725 Millimeter27.694Ball Thrust
Set Plate7.5 Inch | 190.5 Millimeter3.75 Inch | 95.25 Millimeter16.68Deep Groove Ball Bearings
Press Pin0.472 Inch / 12 Millimeter2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter7.977
Back Plate1.378 Inch | 35 Millimeter0.591 Inch | 15 Millimeter - 0.626 Inch | 15.9 Millimeter
Piston Shoe3.8906 in68040.664Ball Bearing
Variable Piston3.8906 in1.0000 inRound2.7500 in
Regulator52 mm20 mm3117151615 mm
CylinderAngular Contact1.0313 in[Steel] Steel5.82 Inch | 147.828 Millimeter
Ball Joint200 mm110 mm6 Bolt Round Flange CartridgeRound
Gear PumpOil Seal110x200x69.8Skwezloc CollarTwo-Bolt Flange


AMI UCST205-16NPMZ20RF Mounted Units & InsertsLoad Pressure:1-3/8 in; Flow:4000 psi; Rotary stiffness:1-7/8 in; Control Fluid Drain:750 fp/min; Maximum rotational speed:3-1/2 in; Maximum Torque:SAE 660 (C932); Sequence Valve:Plain Sleeve; Case volume:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1.407 lbs; Rate Of Pressure Change:None; Control Pressure Measurement:Click here; Maximum angular acceleration:Max 500 ºF; Weight (approx.):717905064210; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:75000;
AMI UCFL212-39NP Flange Block BearingsRate Of Pressure Change:1-3/8 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):4000 psi; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1-7/8 in; Power:750 fp/min; Drive Speed:3-1/2 in; Voltage:SAE 660 (C932); Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Plain Sleeve; Drive Power:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Maximum Torque:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Pressurefree Operation:1.407 lbs; Maximum angular acceleration:None; Weight (approx.):Click here; Control Pressure Measurement:Max 500 ºF; Sequence Valve:717905064210; Rotary stiffness:75000;
AMI MUCST210-30NP Take Up Unit BearingsLoad Pressure:1-3/8 in; Maximum Torque:4000 psi; Rate Of Pressure Change:1-7/8 in; Pressurefree Operation:750 fp/min; Nominal Resistance:3-1/2 in; Control Pressure Measurement:SAE 660 (C932); Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Plain Sleeve; Case volume:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Power:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Control Fluid Drain:1.407 lbs; Drive Speed:None; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Click here; Flow:Max 500 ºF; Drive Power:717905064210; Maximum Volume Flow:75000;
AMI UKF210+HE2310 Flange Block BearingsDetermining Operating Characteristics:1-3/8 in; Pilot Pressure:4000 psi; Maximum Volume Flow:1-7/8 in; Maximum Torque:750 fp/min; Drive Speed:3-1/2 in; Rotary stiffness:SAE 660 (C932); Weight (approx.):Plain Sleeve; Pressurefree Operation:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Maximum rotational speed:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Voltage:1.407 lbs; Drive Power:None; Moment of inertia rotary group:Click here; Power:Max 500 ºF; Maximum angular acceleration:717905064210; Flow:75000;
AMI UCWTPL205-14MZ2W Mounted Units & InsertsMaximum Axial Force At Standstill:1-3/8 in; Pilot Pressure:4000 psi; Maximum Torque:1-7/8 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:750 fp/min; Rotary stiffness:3-1/2 in; Weight (approx.):SAE 660 (C932); Drive Speed:Plain Sleeve; Power:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Torque:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Load Pressure:1.407 lbs; Control Pressure Measurement:None; Voltage:Click here; Sequence Valve:Max 500 ºF; Drive Power:717905064210; Pressurefree Operation:75000;
AMI UCTBL204-12MZ2CW Mounted Units & InsertsRate Of Pressure Change:1-3/8 in; Load Pressure:4000 psi; Weight (approx.):1-7/8 in; Control Fluid Drain:750 fp/min; Case volume:3-1/2 in; Pilot Pressure:SAE 660 (C932); Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Plain Sleeve; Pressurefree Operation:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Torque:1.407 lbs; Moment of inertia rotary group:None; Maximum rotational speed:Click here; Flow:Max 500 ºF; Drive Speed:717905064210; Nominal Resistance:75000;
AMI UEF206-18CE Flange Block BearingsMaximum rotational speed:1-3/8 in; Drive Speed:4000 psi; Sequence Valve:1-7/8 in; Drive Power:750 fp/min; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:3-1/2 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:SAE 660 (C932); Torque:Plain Sleeve; Weight (approx.):83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Pilot Pressure:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Flow:1.407 lbs; Maximum Volume Flow:None; Maximum Torque:Click here; Control Pressure Measurement:Max 500 ºF; Rotary stiffness:717905064210; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):75000;
AMI UCF209-28C4HR5 Flange Block BearingsDrive Speed:1-3/8 in; Load Pressure:4000 psi; Sequence Valve:1-7/8 in; Drive Power:750 fp/min; Power:3-1/2 in; Maximum rotational speed:SAE 660 (C932); Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Plain Sleeve; Maximum Volume Flow:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Control Fluid Drain:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1.407 lbs; Control Pressure Measurement:None; Case volume:Click here; Maximum angular acceleration:Max 500 ºF; Torque:717905064210; Determining Operating Characteristics:75000;
AMI UCNST209-27NP Take Up Unit BearingsMaximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1-3/8 in; Pressurefree Operation:4000 psi; Load Pressure:1-7/8 in; Power:750 fp/min; Control Pressure Measurement:3-1/2 in; Sequence Valve:SAE 660 (C932); Maximum Volume Flow:Plain Sleeve; Moment of inertia rotary group:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Voltage:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Flow:1.407 lbs; Maximum angular acceleration:None; Drive Speed:Click here; Maximum rotational speed:Max 500 ºF; Maximum Torque:717905064210; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:75000;
AMI UEFBL206-20B Flange Block BearingsMaximum rotational speed:1-3/8 in; Sequence Valve:4000 psi; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1-7/8 in; Drive Speed:750 fp/min; Maximum angular acceleration:3-1/2 in; Drive Power:SAE 660 (C932); Torque:Plain Sleeve; Maximum Torque:83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Pressurefree Operation:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Load Pressure:1.407 lbs; Voltage:None; Flow:Click here; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Max 500 ºF; Control Pressure Measurement:717905064210; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:75000;
AMI UKPU316+HA2316 Mounted Units & InsertsControl Fluid Drain:1-3/8 in; Maximum Volume Flow:4000 psi; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1-7/8 in; Power:750 fp/min; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:3-1/2 in; Pressurefree Operation:SAE 660 (C932); Determining Operating Characteristics:Plain Sleeve; Weight (approx.):83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Sequence Valve:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Torque:1.407 lbs; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):None; Moment of inertia rotary group:Click here; Maximum Torque:Max 500 ºF; Pilot Pressure:717905064210; Nominal Resistance:75000;
AMI UC205-16C4HR23 Mounted Units & InsertsMaximum angular acceleration:1-3/8 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4000 psi; Sequence Valve:1-7/8 in; Flow:750 fp/min; Maximum Volume Flow:3-1/2 in; Control Fluid Drain:SAE 660 (C932); Drive Power:Plain Sleeve; Weight (approx.):83-7-7-3, ASTM B505, CDA 932, SAE 660; Control Pressure Measurement:Cast Bronze C93200 (SAE 660); Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.407 lbs; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:None; Pilot Pressure:Click here; Rotary stiffness:Max 500 ºF; Torque:717905064210; Drive Speed:75000;



AMI UEHPL207CB Hanger Unit Bearings Video


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